
- Of the Sunless Sea -

RACEViera | Veena
GENDERMale     He/him
AGEAround ~120
Past: The Skatay ranges
NATURESerious, Blunt, Secretive, Prideful
HOBBIESHerbalism, Curing meats
CLOSE WITHAlisaie, Estinien
Two large back scars
INVENTORYVarious poisons
Own-brewed spirit
Worn-out robe

Beast of the forest [I]

The Poisoner

He absentmindedly spun the twisted sprig between his fingers, a faint pungent aroma releasing from his touch. An old miqo’te man lay at his feet, paralysed, his breathing laboured. Soon the earth will claim him, as they have the others, and the others before that. For centuries, such had been the way of the wood-warders – silent, swift, unyielding, merciless – and he had done his job perfectly. He glanced at the young pine before him. Perhaps it will grow another two fulms in the summer.

His True Name

Wandering Eorzea

It began as soft murmurs and whispers lost in the hustle-and-bustle of the city streets. Black tufts of fur peeked out from underneath the hood of his cloak as he strode silently among the crowd, warily eyeing his surroundings. He had been watching for a long time – learning – and unbeknownst to him, the world had been watching back. Amongst the shopkeeps they gossipped of the eastern forests’ mysterious long-eared sentinels, and the one that was most certainly not a woman.

The Sage's Wings

Have you ever fervently wished to save someone? Lalah Jinjhal’s words echoed in his mind as he felt the nouliths attune once more with his aether and float to align behind his back. Sweat dripped from his brow and he panted from exertion. Despite the vieras’ sensitivity to aether he was not accustomed to such focused and heavy spellcraft. But he had been overconfident – arrogant, even – and it had cost him in Ishgard. Arrows, tooth and claw were no longer sufficient in the battlefield, yet he disliked his hands being encumbered. Steadying himself, he rose on his feet and again repeated the exercise.

Return to Othard

The Other Viera

It had been many winters – decades – since he last saw him, but distance nor the passing of time never had much effect for their people, physically or emotionally. The sound of his footsteps carried the same familiarity as in their days trudging in the snow, his voice was unchanged, and his smile still tugged at something within him (in that it evoked a feeling of annoyance). Apollo, was it? It seems that was the name he had chosen. It suited him.

Fragment of the Sun